SPARQ in simple words.

Danila Belokons
4 min readJun 8, 2021


The problem

Financial stress. There are 3 main reasons, that causes financial stress:

  1. Not enough Funds. (I can’t buy a bike)
  2. Finances are out of control. (I don’t know when and how I can buy a bike)
  3. Financial activity as itself. (the process of keeping, taking, calculating, and sending money for buying a bike)

Finances are out of control.

Budgeting, investing, trading, lending, insurance, taxation. I don’t know how to start, whom I should trust? The only person you should really trust is yourself. If you can’t, we should change it. Step by step, building your own understanding of the financial world. What is good for you, what is bad, take your time, go through all the basics.

Finances are boring.

Bureaucracy is boring. Do the same things from day to day is boring. I would say finance is more stressful rather than boring. There is no end in the understanding economy, financial systems, financial derivatives, etc.

And why do I need to know how the engine works if the car is driving?

Exactly. Actually, you need to know, how to drive a car. And driving a car is not boring. How well do you need to know how an engine works to drive well? I would answer — conceptual.

Financial Literacy is low

We don’t have the right conceptions in our heads. How to make financial decisions? How much to save? How much to spend? How to invest? Is it worth it? How to declare income tax? Every time we wanted to understand something about finance, it turned into immersion in a black hole. Because of misconception.

The Solution

There is only one way to cope with stress — face it. Create the right conception, raise financial literacy, start controlling finances, start observing financial activity, start thinking about investing, saving, etc.

The opposite of financial stress is financial harmony.

Financial harmony is a state, where revenue is equal to expenses throughout the life

And there are only two ways how to achieve it. Raise the income or/and lower the expenses. All the financial decisions based on these two directions. There is no problem to achieve financial harmony, but there is a problem to stay in this state throughout life. Basically, we just transfer money inside time.

Taking money from the future we call lending, putting money in the future we call saving and investing.

But then again, we should consider inflation, discounting, and other economical processes.

I personally believe, there is no way for a non-financial person to create a proper financial conception of management of his or her funds without a proper guideline. We need mentors. Mentors, who are interested only in our growth but not their own beliefs. Do you know who is the best mentor?

It’s “The Future of you”.

Your mistakes, beliefs, undertakings. Every competent person you’ve met, every conversation you had and thought you’ve created. Everything converts into a compelling experience. Only you know, what is best for you.

But it’s very easy to get confused by your own experience. This is the reason we use daily planners, navigators, favorites lists, and other technologies and tools to manage our resources and knowledge.

Sometimes it’s fun (Social Media and Games), sometimes we don’t even realize we are using technology (Ordering food or watching Youtube), sometimes it’s a nightmare (Budgeting Apps).

Imagine having an App, that will take full control of your personal finance.

The App, that will suggest what is best for your according to your preferences. Based on your income level, your spending patterns, your financial behavior, desires and your needs SPARQ helps you to find a way to financial harmony.

It helps you plan your expenses, it helps you keep within your budget. It helps save and reserve money for your needs. Every time you decide to do something new, the system adapts to your current state and offers you the most preferred solution for your current imbalance.

We use gamification, so the turn this process into the story of Financial Hero. Explore the financial world, earn financial experience, earn points (qpoints), complete challenges, check your progress, raise financial literacy and your living standards by making informed financial decisions.



Danila Belokons

CEO and Founder of SPARQ, Baltic Rally Vice-Champion, Bodhisattva. If you want to talk about the rally, Buddhism, or startup - feel free to contact me!